Lufterfrischerspray Drachenblut


Introducing our Smudge Spray infused with the mystical essence of Dragon’s Blood. Experience the powerful purification and protection properties of this ancient resin in a convenient and smoke-free form. Our carefully curated blend combines the potent energies of Dragon’s Blood with other natural elements, creating a captivating and rejuvenating spray…




Introducing our Smudge Spray infused with the mystical essence of Dragon’s Blood. Experience the powerful purification and protection properties of this ancient resin in a convenient and smoke-free form. Our carefully curated blend combines the potent energies of Dragon’s Blood with other natural elements, creating a captivating and rejuvenating spray.

Simply spritz the Smudge Spray in any space you want to cleanse, whether it’s your home, meditation area, or workspace. The enchanting fragrance of Dragon’s Blood will help dispel negative energies, promote positivity, and create a sacred atmosphere. Embrace the age-old wisdom of Dragon’s Blood in a modern and user-friendly way with our Smudge Spray. Unleash the transformative power of this legendary resin with every spray.

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So sprühen Sie jeden Raum, den Sie reinigen möchten, richtig ein! 

WARNUNG: Externe Anwendung. Nicht einnehmen.


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