Mesa dos guardiões

Learn about the Guardians Table:

The Key to Protection, Prosperity, and Love with the Radionic Table of the Guardians!

Are you seeking protection, prosperity, and universal love in your life?

Look no further than the Radionic Table of the Guardians. Channelled specifically to address these common needs, this therapeutic tool incorporates dowsing, psionic radionics, and magic to dissolve negative energies, pave the way for success, and harmonize relationships.


What is the Radionic Table of the Guardians?

The Radionic Table of the Guardians is a powerful therapeutic tool designed to address common life challenges.

Utilizing a blend of dowsing, psionic radionics, and magic, this tool is adept at unblocking negative energies, clearing obstacles, and fostering harmonious relationships.


Who are the Guardians?

The Guardians, Exu, and Pomba Gira, are renowned entities within spiritual practices such as Umbanda and Candomble. While they are revered within specific religions, they transcend religious boundaries, embodying universal principles of charity and the natural law of life. As protectors, they are dedicated to supporting individuals in various aspects of life!


Why Choose the Radionic Table of the Guardians?

Experience the transformative power of the Radionic Table of the Guardians:

  • Unblock Negative Energies: Say goodbye to obstacles and welcome positive energy into your life.
  • Open Pathways: Clear the way for success and abundance in all areas of life.
  • Harmonize Relationships: Foster deeper connections and enhance harmony in your relationships.
  • Rebalance your Chakras
  • The 3 radiesthesia charts help with:  Anti-magic properties: Safeguard yourself against negative influences and unwanted energies. Harmony: Achieve a sense of balance and tranquility in your life. Shield: Fortify yourself against external stressors and negative vibrations.
  • Emotional Healing: Heal deep-seated emotional wounds and elevate your energy to new heights.
  • Self-care and self-confidence: Cultivate a sense of self-awareness and confidence, empowering you to navigate life’s challenges with ease.
  • Trusted Guardians: Exu and Pomba Gira are revered entities committed to doing good and promoting the evolution of all.


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Unlock the full potential of your life with the Radionic Table of the Guardians.



Eine energetische Behandlung hat keine räumlichen Grenzen und kann in andere Staaten oder Länder gesendet werden. Wir sind viel mehr als unsere physischen Körper; wir haben energetische Körper. Die Fernbehandlung zielt darauf ab, diese Felder zu harmonisieren, mehr Leichtigkeit, Erleichterung und Verständnis für die Prozesse zu bringen, in denen sich die Person befindet.

Für die Fernbehandlung benötige ich ein Foto von Ihnen, sowie Ihren vollständigen Namen, Ihr Geburtsdatum und Ihren Wohnort.


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Achtung: Eine ganzheitliche Behandlung macht keine ärztliche Behandlung oder den Einsatz von Medikamenten überflüssig, sie wirkt lediglich als ergänzende Therapie.