Bracelet obsidian adjustable


Bracelet with 7 obsidian beads.

Obsidian: The Volcanic Glass of Strength and Protection

Obsidian is a mesmerizing natural gemstone formed from the rapid cooling of volcanic lava….


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Bracelet with 7 obsidian beads.

Obsidian: The Volcanic Glass of Strength and Protection

Obsidian is a mesmerizing natural gemstone formed from the rapid cooling of volcanic lava. This unique and powerful stone is renowned for its striking black color and glassy appearance. As a result of its volcanic origin, obsidian is often associated with strength, grounding, and protection.

From an aesthetic perspective, obsidian’s deep black color and lustrous sheen make it an exquisite addition to jewelry and decorative pieces. Wearing or having obsidian nearby is believed to enhance one’s energy field and protect against psychic attacks.

Adjustable in size.

Learn more about Obsidian here:

Obsidian: The Volcanic Glass of Strength and Protection

*This information has not been scientifically proven, it is based on the experience of users and therapists. When in doubt about your health, consult a physician.

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