Cut Karmic Ties Candle


Candle for breaking karmic ties with family, friends and lovers!

Embrace the empowering journey of releasing karmic ties with our Cut Karmic Ties Candle.

Only 1 left in stock

Candle for breaking karmic ties with family, friends and lovers!

Embrace the empowering journey of releasing karmic ties with our Cut Karmic Ties Candle. Allow its transformative energy to support you as you sever old connections, reclaim your personal power, and step into a future liberated from the constraints of the past. Experience the freedom and spiritual growth that come with releasing what no longer serves your highest good.

The intention is the key for this ritual.

The wax was infused for an entire lunar season with :
Black moonstone
Breschia jasper
Smoky quartz


Place out of reach of children and pets.
Do not place in a drafty spot, this will shorten the burning time.
Do not leave a burning candle unattended.
Place on a heat resistant surface.

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