Root Chakra Candle


Embrace the grounding energy of our Root Chakra Candle and connect with the stability and security that come from being rooted in the present moment. Let its soothing glow and comforting aroma anchor you, promoting a deep sense of grounding,…


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Embrace the grounding energy of our Root Chakra Candle and connect with the stability and security that come from being rooted in the present moment. Let its soothing glow and comforting aroma anchor you, promoting a deep sense of grounding, strength, and stability. Experience the transformative power of a balanced root chakra and foster a solid foundation for your spiritual and emotional growth.

The fragrance of this magnificent candle features deep notes of roots (anchoring), wood (purification and energetic cleansing) and solar flowers to welcome the light!

The crystals in your candle are :

Breschia Jasper for its power
Tiger’s eye for its  energy shield
Amethyst to send a calming signal


Place out of reach of children and pets.
Do not place in a drafty spot, this will shorten the burning time.
Do not leave a burning candle unattended.
Place on a heat resistant surface.

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