Arcturian Multidimensional Healing System

Learn about the Arcturian System, a technique that uses symbols and geometries to balance your energy field:

The Arcturian Multidimensional Healing System is an energetic system, its mode of application is similar to the techniques taught by many energy healing methods. The system is very complex in its energetic configuration, as it channels the energy of the 12th dimension (an energy of high power and healing power that accelerates the process of ascension and healing of the healer-channeler and the person receiving), however it is a simple system in its application in which no complex techniques are needed to work with their energy.

The Arcturian symbols were channeled by psychotherapist Clarindo Melchizedek.
Geometry symbols are energetic codes that connect specific energies to the Higher Self of the person being treated.


How a session works

To understand which geometric symbols I will use, a previous conversation takes place between you and me, which may direct you to a specific theme or follow the sequence presented by the Arcturian Multidimensional Healing System. In other words, the choice of path is yours.

After the initial conversation, I will guide you, about the position, the breathing, and how I will continue the session. Likewise, I will give you a signal when I am done.

In the first session it is already possible to notice a relaxation and, over the days, a vibrational change, which can present itself as a different view of daily events, or the physical body reacting, for example.

In practical terms, improving our level of consciousness, whether emotional or mental, brings improvements to well-being and a higher quality of life. Therefore, with choices in accordance with higher frequencies and more efficient results in everyday life.

Appointment time: Between 45min to 1h
Type (online or via video call): Both


What to expect from the Arcturian Multidimensional Healing System

In the first session it is already possible to notice a relaxation and, over the days, a vibrational change, which can present itself as a different view of daily events, or catharsis, for example.

The benefits of the technique are many, from:

– Energetic lightness and balance
– Purification and karmic healing
– Rebalancing of male and female energies
– Termination and severing of contracts and energetic connections (which no longer serve our evolutionary purpose and block our life).
– Recovery of personal power
– Cleansing and healing of past lives
– Clearing, recovery and integration of emotional and spiritual bodies, etc.
– Healing and recovery of the inner child
– Cleansing of black magic
– DNA cleansing
– Reconnection with the Higher Self

Instantaneous changes can happen, but according to the increase in consciousness and frequency that each one of us reaches, and works on changing or Lifes to stay with a high frequency.

Improving our level of consciousness, whether emotional or mental, brings improvements to well-being and a higher quality of life. Therefore, with choices in accordance with higher frequencies and more efficient results in everyday life.


Appointment time: 1h (plus report wrtitting)

Type (offline for the moment)



An energetic treatment has no space barriers, and can be sent to other states or countries. We are much more than our physical bodies; we have energetic bodies. The treatment at a distance aims to harmonize these fields, bringing more lightness, relief, and understanding of the processes in which the person finds him/herself.

For the distance treatment, I will need a photo of you, as well as your full name, date of birth, and the city where you live.


Attention: This Treatment does not dispense medical treatment or the use of medication, it only works as a complementary therapy.