Incens sticks Yagra & Orchid & Laurel


Introducing our Incense Sticks Yagra & Orchid & Laurel, a mesmerizing blend of captivating scents that will transport you to a realm of aromatic bliss. The powerful aroma of the Yagra, together with the Laurel, promotes profits and combined with the perfume of the orchid, unlocks personal power and the path to triumph, this unique mixture of fragrances augurs a prosperous destiny…

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Introducing our Incense Sticks Yagra & Orchid & Laurel, a mesmerizing blend of captivating scents that will transport you to a realm of aromatic bliss. The powerful aroma of the Yagra, together with the Laurel, promotes profits and combined with the perfume of the orchid, unlocks personal power and the path to triumph, this unique mixture of fragrances augurs a prosperous destiny.

Indulge in the alluring and mysterious fragrance of Yagra, an exotic and rare botanical treasure. Yagra’s unique aroma infuses the air with an enigmatic allure, evoking feelings of intrigue and fascination.

Complementing the Yagra is the delicate and elegant essence of Orchid, celebrated for its floral beauty and gentle sweetness. The exquisite aroma of Orchid envelops your senses, creating a serene and romantic ambiance.

Infused with the invigorating scent of Laurel, this incense blend becomes a symphony of captivating fragrances that evoke feelings of empowerment and inspiration. Laurel’s fresh and uplifting aroma energizes your space, encouraging you to embrace new possibilities and awaken your senses.

Each incense stick is thoughtfully handcrafted, using the finest botanical ingredients to ensure a rich and authentic olfactory experience. As you light the incense, watch as the fragrant smoke gracefully fills your surroundings, elevating the atmosphere with its captivating bouquet.

The Incense Sticks Yagra & Orchid & Laurel are perfect for moments of relaxation, meditation, or setting an enchanting ambiance for special occasions. Allow the captivating blend of Yagra, Orchid, and Laurel to carry you to a world of aromatic delight and inner harmony.

Embrace the magical allure of this botanical fusion and let the captivating scents of Yagra, Orchid, and Laurel inspire your senses and uplift your spirit. Elevate your space, ignite your soul, and immerse yourself in the enchanting symphony of fragrances that is Incense Sticks Yagra & Orchid & Laurel.


Composition: Bay leaves, concentrated aromatic oil, yagra, fruit biomass, charcoal and salt.


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