Throat Chakra Candle


Whether you seek to enhance your communication skills, express your creativity, or overcome self-expression challenges, the Throat Chakra Candle can be a powerful tool. Incorporate it into meditation, journaling, or speaking exercises to activate and balance your throat chakra,…

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Whether you seek to enhance your communication skills, express your creativity, or overcome self-expression challenges, the Throat Chakra Candle can be a powerful tool. Incorporate it into meditation, journaling, or speaking exercises to activate and balance your throat chakra, unlocking your true voice and allowing your authentic self to shine. Embedded within the candle, a crystal such as amethyste or sodalite resonates with the throat chakra, amplifying its energy and facilitating the flow of clear and authentic communication. This crystal serves as a reminder of the importance of speaking your truth and expressing yourself with confidence and clarity.

The throat chakra candle’s fragrance offers deep notes of lily, sandalwood and spices. This beautiful candle also has a touch of honey for the sweetness needed by this chakra, and light floral notes to link with the communication center.


Place out of reach of children and pets.
Do not place in a drafty spot, this will shorten the burning time.
Do not leave a burning candle unattended.
Place on a heat resistant surface.

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